All movie lovers to watch cowboys and aliens online free movie. This free movie & to be released this july 2011 & will surely be one of the top again in the box office. Watching the trailer itself you can tell how much action and fighting scenes that are enjoyable to be seen. For me I am expecting a lot of hard action and fun fights between these cowboys and aliens, unbelievable scenes can you imagine just a cowboy can defeat that aliens? lol. . =) . Some says the plot is kinda stupid but its amazing that it work well for the movie. The movie star Daniel craig aws amazing in his role, he really fits his role and a job well done by him!. Playing as a westerner I can see him as a great one, he is just amazing actor in this movie. These movie is full of violence that these is not for all ages to be watch but still i think it can still hold top at the box office. heheheh. Unique fighting action with a high budget film will be great so watch for this movie and enjoy it with your family or friends out there!!