Watching friends with benefits online free, movie stream this 2011 a romantic comedy, as soon as i saw the trailer I was very excited and can't wait for this movie to come out to theater, i would expect that this movie will be atleast top in the box office this coming July 22, 2011. I was surprised alot but this movie is also like watching that no strings attached but it focuses more in comedy. Im not that into the actor Justin timberlake but it is great and Mila is just so perfect. Very funny and this movie comes in my mind and this sometimes I can recall some of my friends also are . lol.I laughed a lot though. Some of it but not really a lot but some of the parts are really corny the jokes. For me I think I will watch this film a lot more again and again. This movie is also like back past years like the ugly truth. Sexy scenes were great and its a great movie at all.